Saturday, April 6, 2013

Why I am excited for Dreamfall Chapters

Hi guys,

I just posted in this topic, and that inspired me to do a blogpost on the top 5 reasons why I am so very, VERY excited for Dreamfall Chapters.

1). Completing the amazing story
The story in Dreamfall and TLJ is the best story ever told in video-games. The story has made me laugh, and cry so many times, and I really just want to know what happens next. I don’t want it to ever end.

2). Meeting familiar and new characters
I am convinced that the stories in this saga are so amazing because of all the amazing character that Ragnar & Co have created. How can you not fall in love with the amazing characters? How can you not care for them? I am really looking forward to meeting Zoë, Kian, Crow, Blind Bob, Benrime, Roper Blacks, Brian Westhouse, Emma, Reza, and the Vagabond again. As well as meeting all kinds of new and crazy characters such as Falk Friedman, Madame Nyx, Wit, Mira and Likho.

3). Returning to previously visited and new locations
Now that we have established that the world, and the characters are amazing I feel like I should mention the worlds, and the locations in the games. I don’t think there has ever been such a realistic setting in any game-series, and the locations really make the characters and stories shine even more. I really look forward to seeing Marcuria, the Storytime, and Riverwood again, as well as visiting new locations such as Europolis, and Ge’en.

4). Freedom of exploration
When I played Dreamfall I was very excited to see old locations I remembered from TLJ in full 3D, but I was a little disappointed with the lack of exploration. So when Ragnar & Co announced there would be free-roaming in certain chapters of the game, I squee’d big time. I am going to check every nook and cranny of the world, and I am going to get immersed in this game like never before.

5). The Lore master and The House of All Worlds
The 5th reason why I am so excited for Dreamfall Chapters are the Lore master and House of All Worlds stretch goals. I cannot wait to gather books and scrolls all over Arcadia and explore the House of All Worlds to find out it’s purpose.

And there you have it guys, of course this are not the only reasons I am excited for this game, but this is my top 5. So, why are you excited for this game, and what are you looking forward to the most?

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